Export Controls Fundamentals - Training Series

The Office of Trade Compliance (OTC) has launched a 12-part training program that addresses “Export Controls Fundamentals” in the academic environment.  Each session will last between 20-30 minutes with time at the end for questions.  The sessions will be recorded so Pitt community members can access the sessions after the fact.  One session per month is planned, and registration will be required. Although the content is appropriate for a general academic audience, most sessions will include direct application for the research community. 

Next Session


Topics for Future Sessions

  • Foreign Shipments, Foreign Travel & Procurement
    October 2022

    The export control regulations directly apply to certain business activities that benefit the entire Pitt community.  Three very popular ones are foreign shipping, foreign travel, and procurement.  Knowing this, OTC has created guidance, and established certain safeguards in existing University processes to manage export controls risk in these areas.  However, OTC is not the only stakeholder in these processes and relies on longstanding internal collaborations with other central offices and other members of the Pitt community.  In this session, OTC will describe the export control considerations for each topic, and the processes in place to manage them for the University. 

  • Academic Visitors, International Delegations, and Export Controls
    November 2022

    The University welcomes academic visitors from all over the world to participate in research and other academic pursuits.  We also host dignitaries and other government officials on a regular basis.  While the University encourages such visits, there are some basic security considerations that must be taken into consideration.  These security considerations include export controls, embargoed countries, and restricted parties.  In this session, OTC will describe the processes in place for each visitor type, explain each security consideration, and list the central offices involved in managing the guidance.    

  • Research Security, Undue Foreign Influence, and Export Controls
    December 2022

    The federal government has been very clear in recent years that undue foreign influence from certain foreign governments has negatively affected our research enterprise.  Participation in foreign government sponsored talent programs has been singled out as one mechanism that governments use to illicitly transfer technology, IP, and research results to foreign countries to gain an economic and military advantage.  Universities have responded by sharing best practices and improving their policies and procedures aimed at disclosure and research security topics, including export controls.  OTC will provide an overview of this topic, and then explain the current federal landscape including any upcoming federal requirements aimed at research security and export controls.  Special emphasis will be given to University processes, procedures and training that are in place for the research community.